Thursday, September 23, 2010


i'm sorry.... but if you eat fish. or chicken. or ANY creature of the animal kingdom, you are NOT vegetarian.
i think at least once, every time the issue of me not eating meat comes up, someone chimes in with 'my [insert relation here] is vegetarian. he/she/they only eat fish and/or chicken.'
or the rebuttle of 'fish don't have feelings so they don't count.' in response to my questioning.
i'm not so upset with people's common misconceptions as i am with someone wanting to label themselves as such - but not actually fit into the category.
don't get me wrong... i totally think it's rad to choose compassionate eating, and decreasing your intake of meat is always a positive, but what's with the eagerness to don said label?
when did it become culturally 'cool'?
and if it's so cool, what is everyone doing still eating meat?
i hate having to point out my veganism as much as i do, but when it comes to eating, i sort of have to know what's on my plate. i'm not here to preach, and i certainly did not choose veganism to impress my peers or anyone.
i also don't care what anyone chooses to eat [within reason... no cannibals, please]. i don't judge others just as i don't want to be judged.
bottom line:
if you think vegetarianism is so cool that you label yourself as such, it's at least cool enough to actually live your life that way.
aaaannnnddd i'm talking to the wall.

1 comment:

Stephanie @Femmena Mala said...

Just want to offer a little input from a fellow compassionate eater in the area of "i consider myself a vegetarian but i still eat fish etc etc etc." I am pretty sure most people who say they know a veg who eats fish/chicken only don't really know what a vegetarian is. And in my defense, it's much easier to say im vegetarian than "i dont eat chicken beef or any other animal but occasionally i eat fish when i need to but thats not really vegetarianism because ........ blah blah blah." Because really, its no one else's business what i eat and why. feel me?

i see where you're coming from, but just want to chime in with another perspective. love you, duh!

<3 s