Tuesday, September 14, 2010

mpr's first performance!

this past sunday was my band's [my pet raptor] first live performance. yes, we made it out of the cave that is chris's basement, in search of sunlight and [hopefully] positive feedback.
i'm a member of my neighborhood's village art council, 'SPVAC' [cutely pronounced 'speevack'], and they offered us a time slot to play at our [now] annual FAF arts sampler weekend.
after some issues with sound and hooking everything up, we were set to play.
i gotta say... not having my big ol' chunky headphones on [like in practice to help me hear my vocals better] was like riding without training wheels for the first time! ack. my security blanket was gone, and i had to rely more on

1) the fact that i can actually sing, and so therefore should trust that, even though i can't really hear what is coming out of my mouth
2) everyone in the audience was there to be supportive and and this was our chance to test the waters safely and positively

that plan ended up working out rather splendid, although, i wish i moved around a bit more. i was constantly conscious that a step in the wrong direction could interfere with feedback [our setup had to be just a certain way due to the space we were playing in, and any changes could result in rather unsavory results], along with the fact that i'm not comfortable enough with some of my lyrics, and had a stand set up so i could reference them.
overall, we all did a great job in my opinion. i was so proud of my band for finally getting that 'first gig' out of the way :)
it was neat meeting everyone's parents... paul's dad came up to me to shake my hand 'so you're the girl that sings...' hehe. it was cute.
i got choked up a few times - especially singing welcome pain - which is about losing my late cousin and best friend. after the show, it turns out several people reacted similarly. it's so crazy to wrap your head around your lyrics and music moving others...
it is also worth adding that while i write the bulk of the lyrics [unless otherwise noted], the entire band contributes to the music writing process. man. it's unreal to sit down and flesh out a tune. i'm learning piano so i can contribute more in this process [for the longest time, i'd hum the tune and hope for mutual comprehension, but i've recently downloaded several music apps for my phone that i use to record my musical thoughts [in a very basic, naive manner of course].
we will be watching our entire performance tomorrow night, and putting more songs together!
i probably have so much more to say, but as i'm 1) at work, + 2) super distracted, that will have to wait.
i leave you with a recording of a currently unnamed song [that we currently refer to as 'epic']\
from sunday...
or perhaps not.... it won't let me share it!!!

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