Monday, October 11, 2010

old and new

well, i guess it's officially ok to talk about here on the ol' public blog...

i was offered a job at a new place of employment, and graciously accepted :)

to be honest, it came out of nowhere - and it took a lot of thinking and reasoning before i came to my answer - but i do, in my heart, believe it's for the best!

this has, however, not made saying goodbye to my current job any easier!

over the past year, i've really bonded and blossomed friendships with many old and new faces. this place has taken good care of me, and i will be taking with me a lot of good experience and wisdom.

i feel excited, scared and anxious to get involved at the new place - yet i'm full of sadness to leave my current work family.

i guess this is growing up.... and being a grown up :)

so here's goodbye to my old desk...
and hello to my new one :)

although, i think we can agree that my new office needs a trip or two to ikea and a few toys [!!!]
here's to new beginnings... it is fall, after all - and if you know me, that's always been my season of major change.
tonight is the MUSE with METRIC live !!!!
tomorrow is my last official day here, and tomorrow night, my band [mypetraptor] plays a show.
that leaves me with a very [very] tired wednesday and first day of the next chapter in my work life. i should probably think up a fun nickname for my new job [since i'm pretty sure it infringes the privacy policy to mention it here]. how about.... well, we'll see if my first day sheds any light.
have a wonderful monday, my lovelies!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the new gig! Don't think Debbie and I will be able to make the show babysitter :-( Have a blast, and hopefully we can catch up this Sunday!
