A= Available - not usually! i'm a super busy girl. oh yeah... and i'm married :)
B= Best Friend - meygan, jessica, rachael noel, dr. brian... and DUH my husband.
C= Cake or pie - i do not discriminate! i love baking cakes and cupcakes the most, though :)
D= Drink of choice - water with lots of lemon and cucumber :) mmm also, green tea - both hot and iced.
E= Essential item you use everyday - MAKEUP, mobile device, computer.
F= Favorite color - PINK! but really, i love all colors. they make me so happy!
G= Gummy bears or worms - i used to LOVE gummy stuff... till i found out what's in them. [gelatin...] i've since heard of several brands producing vegan varieties... and i'm eager to try!
H= Hometown - cin city
I= Indulgences - makeup and other beauty products, fashion and accessories, chihuahuas, MUSIC, ART, video games, driving fast... naughty things.
J= January or February - duh! february! best month, ever... even if it is colder than shit out.
K= Kids and Names - [at the risk of them being stolen!!!] we have several girl names... Penelope, Violet and Gwendolyn are very high up there... i'm also rather obsessed with Dahlia - perhaps as a middle name. for boys [which we aren't as keen about having!!! i know... totally petty] we have the name Desmond Farrokh [the late and great Freddie Mercury's birth name]. our chihuahua puppies are Pixie Beatrix & Lulu Belle :)
L= Life is incomplete without? - LOVE. without love... without the ability to feel it... the passion... what would we be? [and of course i mean love in all forms... from affection, to pouring yourself into your beliefs and passions in life]
M= Marriage date - september.19.2009 <3
N= Number of siblings - 1 brother, the best brother in the universe :)
O= Oranges or apples - oranges... i love all fruit, but i'm a total sucker for those sultry citrus babies.
P= Phobias or Fears - spiders. heights. the dark. rejection. failure. the circulatory system. ALIENS. the deep sea [even though i love it and think it's positively beautiful]. loud noises. [gotta love anxiety disorder!]
Q= Favorite Quote - i have far too many, and i'm getting way too stressed out about answering this. PASS!
R= Reason to smile - having another day to live and experience the world. love. art. music. there's really never a reason to NOT smile! have you ever forced yourself to smile when you were really upset? it basically forces you to step away from the funk you're in. thank you miss Janie for sharing that with me all those years ago.
S= Season - autummmmmmmn. <3
T= Tag 3 or 4 people - i don't even know that 3 [let alone 4!] people even care to read this!
U= Unknown fact about me - to know me is to know waaaay too much about me. haven't you heard//seen enough??!!
V= Vegetable you don't like - i have never met a vegetable that i didn't like in one way//shape//form.
W= Worst habit - procrastination. it's a disease. and i'm very scared about the point in my life where i really have to start paying for it.
X= X-rays - i've had several done of my chest when i had a super bad case of asthma, of my right arm that broke in 4th grade, and of course my teeth.
Y= Your favorite food - probably PIZZA!!!! i truly love it even without cheese, but the invention of daiya cheeses has really taken things to the next level :)
Z= Zodiac Sign - aquarius, baby :) we're the best.
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